Description | The sub-series consists of papers and photographs of Lynne Bartholomew, Head of Redford House Nursery from 1989 until 1998. The papers consist of reports, documents, journal articles, pamphlets and books with her authorship and photos analysed for Froebelian Approach to early childhood education. It also contains details of reunions of the Froebel student group in which Lynne trained during the 1950s at FEI.
The collection includes: Examples of Lecture and Seminar Notes (American Institute , Sweden , Isle of Wight, Gateshead, Festival Hall London, Miscellaneous Notes, Helen Hill) ; 2 scrapbooks with photographs of children who attended Redford House Nursery, including full names and dates of attendance (c 1991 -1996, some photographs missing) ; Scrapbook illustrating the building works of Redford House Nursery 1989; Photographic album predominantly containing photos of children activities, but also building works of Redford House, Photographic album of Redford House Nursery Launch, opened by Margaret Roberts (Institute of Education, University of London) in 1989 ; folder inscribed “Lynne’s Leaving Do” containing children’s drawing ; Scrap folder containing photographs of children exploring Froebel grounds, inscription “Geography. Following maps on the College grounds” and “Play. Dinosaur play scenario with natural resources” ; Scrapbook / Learning Journey of Katie Mellor ; 2 scrapbooks compiled by Moira Small including photographs of activities in Redford House Nursery, detailed activity description and an introductory letter by Moira Small from Nov. 2018 ; Folder pertaining links with Roehampton Institute (c. 1991 – 1998) including Reports of Redford House Nursery, some correspondence between staff of Roehampton and Redford, from students and Redford staff to Lynne Bartholomew, student work based on a visit to Redford House Nursery, and two Roehampton Institute newsletters; Thank you notes from parents and carers; various publications including: Roy Evans (ed.) (1985). Early Child Development and Care (19)3. , Child Education May 1989 , L. Bartholomew & T.Bruce (1993) Getting to know you , S. Robson & S. Smedley (ed.). Education in Early Childhood , T.Bruce et al (1995). Recurring Themes in Education (this book includes a letter from Anne Findlay to Lynne Bartholomew from 8 June 1995 , ECC Newsletter Roehampton Institute London, Vol.1 No. 3 April 1997 , OMEP Vol.29 No. 2, 1997, A review of L. Bartholomew’s two published articles and a book by Louie Werth (2014) , Copy of a letter to Lynne Bartholomew concerning the launch following the BBC/NCB filming for “Tuning into Children” from 12 Feb 1997. ; papers and photographs pertaining the Early Childhood Study Day in June 1995 at the Festival Hall, London ; Material pertaining Lynne Bartholomew’s retirement and leaving party in 1998 including: letter of invitation to the leaving party, a notebook with personal messages to LB, two pamphlets “A Celebration of Redford House Nursery and Lynne Bartholomew, March, 1998”, a notebook “Lynne’s DO. Cheque’s Rec’d/ Redford House Nursery/Bartholomew A/C” including names and addresses, and a letter to LB from April 1998 ; greeting cards and letters for LB’s retirement from colleagues, friends, children and parents, further letters, lists of attendance, LB’s handwritten farewell speech, job advertisement for from Jan 1998 for LB’s position; email correspondence pertaining LB’s death and reflections on her life from Nov/Dec 2016 including references relating to this collection of her papers and the intention to place it in the Froebel Archive for Childhood Studies ; Information material relating to Schema ; correspondence and other papers, and photographs pertaining visits to Redford House and correspondence relating to LB’s publication and CPD work ; Essay by LB from August 1983 ; Redford House Nursery prospectus; LB Froebel College alumni “Class of ‘61” papers; collection of photographs pertaining curriculum activities at Redford House Nursery