RepositoryUniversity of Roehampton: Whitelands College
Reference NumberWC/AR/1/4
Alternate Reference Number21.3.12 (photos); 21.2.13 (cuttings); 21.2.15 (letters); 21.1.20 (lecture notebook)
TitleDorothy Counsell papers (Principal 1934-51)
Extent1 box
DescriptionADMIN Principalship admin May Day file: contains notes for her lectures and talks, guest / attendance lists and event organisation papers (including ‘Details to remember’ for 1928-1951 May days. Typescript of song / poem ‘To Miss Counsell – on leaving us – from the staff’ 12 Dec 1951. ACADEMIC Lecture notes Annotated lectures notes, mostly handwritten, on aspects of teaching and Christian education, on college life and history, and for welcome (‘jottings on the introductory lecture’) and valedictory occasions [First bundle 1941-51]. Plus addresses and speeches for school, teacher and head teacher events [second bundle 1928-51]. Folder ‘Old Testament Lectures, Southwark 1949-50. Mostly handwritten. [labelled ‘Counsell gift, old testament lectures’. Notebook with notes for spiritual talks / sermons Mss notes, Sept 1948, on ‘point to be remembered by students who are arranging and taking service in Chapel’ Publications Pamphlet: ‘The resurrection of the body’ the Counsell Memorial Lecture given at the Cheltenham Ladies’ College May 27, 1938 by the Rev. Leonard Hodgson. Labelled ‘Whitelands College, Putney, SW15, Divinity Room’ Miss Counsell’s copy of ‘League of Nations - The Problem of Nutrition vol 1, interim report of the mixed committee on the problem of nutrition’ Marks book Soft-bound book with squared pages, recording students’ marks in biology and divinity, 1933-45 PERSONAL Passport for Miss Counsell, aged 23, when travelling to Germany in 1910. Address book Blank headed notepaper Two postcard albums [fragile]: postcards of building, churches and artworks in Italy and France, especially from Siena, Milan and Pisa. Correspondence: Set of long newsy letters sent to her family while on a grace term / sabbatical travelling round Europe and Eastern Europe, and Egypt, July – December 1929. Letter 6th Dec 1934 to Miss Counsell from C Pemberton Leach [Leach, Claude Pemberton 1858 – 1951] Letter 13 Mar 1935 from Professor Doris L Mackinnon of UCL, King’s College, Zoological Department, asking for Miss Councell’s opinion on her chapter on biology; plus some mss notes on ‘Biology and Education for Citizenship’ Letters from Archbishop of Canterbury, William Cosmo Gordon Lang, 12 Nov 1935 (after visiting Whitelands and making a tribute to Miss Mercier), and address send on occasion of the College’s 100th anniversary, 10 July 1941, in Girton College gardens. Letter from J D Archibald of ‘University Women’s Club’ expressing gratitude after visit, 15 Oct 1936; annotated ‘visit of Hon Oliver Stanley, President of Board of Education’. Two letters, 29 Oct 1936, from Nuffield of Morris Motors Ltd [William Richard Morris, 1st Viscount Nuffield, (1877–1963), motor manufacturer and philanthropist, founder of Morris Motors Limited] (one addressed to Dorothy, one to Miss Counsell to passing to students) expressing gratitude for gift. Letter from Oswald Birley 8 Jan 1940, re ‘making the portrait £250 instead of £300’ [this refers to the portrait of Miss Mercier] Letter to Miss Cutting 2 Nov 1940, to accompany Annual, noting wartime situation: ‘We’ve not been able to reassemble the College this autumn and students and lecturers are scattered through the country working on a non-residential basis – we hope by January to have found somewhere to evacuate to but it’s extraordinarily difficult to find accommodation for our large numbers. In the meanwhile I am holding the fort here with three 3rd year students who are taking music at the Royal College and a one year student. We live in the hostel and go across to the College shelters to sleep – we’ve had bombs in the grounds but the building hasn’t been hit as yet, only broken glass.’ Letter from A Hildegard Ross (member of the McNair Committee on Training of Teachers), expressing gratitude after visit. Two letters dated Feb and Mar 1945 from P Wren re his wife, a former Whitelander, Violette Blanche Wren (nee Smith) (1901), who died 4 October 1944, and his wish to present pictures and install a tablet to perpetuate her memory. Letter from Annie Bawden (1896) 3 June 1944, making contribution towards and talking about Arthur Orrin as a boy. Letter from Arthur Orrin 7 Aug 1944 – thanks for gift [retirement] Letter from Daphne Perry (1941-43) describing her work with a British Red Cross relief unit and arrival at Bergen Belsen concentration camp. Dated 11 July, [1945] Letter of condolence from A Pemberton Wright 23 Mar 1947, after the death of Miss Counsell’s father. Letter from private secretary to the Queen, 29 Jan 1949, expressing sorrow that Princess Margaret unable to attend May Day] Letter from ‘Cassie’ 1 Feb 1950, with envelope endorsed ‘May Queen Procession in Dining Hall / Picture’ and ‘Car’, re Anna Richard’s May Day picture and identifying the students who were her models, and mitres on crockery. Letter from G B Jeffery of the University of London Institute of Education 25 May 1950 Letter from Reginald G Brundrit [Reginald Grange Brundrit (1883–1960), artist], 11 Oct 1950, re a portrait and its framing; loan of cloak. Envelope labelled ‘Dr Scott Lidgett’s last letters’, March 1951, Easter 1952, Dec 1952. [John Scott Lidgett (1854 –1953), Wesleyan Methodist minister and educationist]. Letter from H Bernard Tower 27 June 1951 [Revd H. B. Tower, Headmaster of Hurstpierpoint College from 1924 to 1937, died 1964] re Miss Counsell’s seeming non-endorsement of a possible successor. Letter from Robert Stopford, 19 Dec 1951, of Council of the Church Training Colleges, on Miss Counsell’s retirement. Letter from Miles [?] Davies of Ministry of Education, 21 Jan 1952, re Miss Counsell’s retirement. Letter to Miss Saunders in Oct 1959 re memorial service for Miss Custance and re another member of staff, Miss Lily Clarke; letter Nov 1959 making suggestions about Guild meetings. Letter from Miss E M Williams 1956 with invitation to service of thanksgiving to commemorate the opening of the Putney buildings (25th anniversary) 1964 postcard to Miss Counsell and Miss Mackenzie from Marjorie Read, re getting a key to May Queen names for photos. Correspondence from Miss Counsell in retirement in Oxford to Miss Ker: postcard 23 Nov 1964, identifying / remembering Mr Proctor, former chairman of the College Council; letters October 1975, making reference to 1887 book ‘Lost London’ with a picture of the original Whitelands House. PHOTOS Soame Oxford studio portraits x2; Detail of year group photo showing Miss Counsell; Snapshots / informal photos showing Miss Counsell in the Chelsea quadrangle (1920s); in academic robes for opening of Putney campus; dressed in a sari (Putney); after netball match, 1948; with Miss Custance 1949. Photo of Miss Counsell in overcoat holding coffee/tea pot ‘after staff-student netball match 1948/9 x4’; Photo pages from Annual, one with Miss Custance (and Miss Livermore) in 1949; Print of portrait. NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS: Telegraph 11 Dec 1934, notice of Miss Counsell’s appointment; cuttings glued to paper showing May Day procession 1928, May Day procession 1947, and 1946 and 1947 queens; in memoriam article on Miss PMM Graham, principal of College of St Matthias, Fishponds, 1955-71.
Access StatusOpen
Related MaterialSee also WC/AR/4/1/COUN
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