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WC - Whitelands College Archive
AC - Academic records
AR - Administrative records
CS - Clubs and societies records
GB - Governance records
HR - Historical reference
LB - Books and bibliographic material
MM - May Monarch Collection
OB - Artefacts, objets d'art, portraits and paintings
PH - Photos, images and audio visual records
PP - Personal Papers
ABBIN - Yvonne Goppert nee Abbinett (1941-1943) Papers
ACOCK - Florence Acock (1895-96) photo
ADAM - Katie Adamson (1881-82) notice re obtaining her LL.A. (St Andrews)
ADAMS - Eleanor Adams death notice
ALDC - Joan Aldcroft (1957-59) books
ANON - Anonymous personal collections
ARK - Joan Arkill (1931-41) memorabilia
ARM - Lina Armstrong (1917-19) Papers
ARMI - Lillian Armitage (1888-89) letter
ASHBY - Doris Ashby (1931-33) photo
ASHT - Cicely M Ashton (1910-19) Papers
ATKIN - Violet Atkinson (1920-22) Papers
ATWILL - Elsie Atwill (1907-9) reminiscences
B's - Miscellaneous 'B' photos
BAIL - Joyce Bailey (1933-35) photo album
BALL - Enid May Ball (1925-27) Papers
BARB - Shirley Barber memorabilia
BARN - Kathleen Mary Barnett (1929-31)
BARNE - Mary Barnes (1925-27) memorabilia
BARR - Fanny Barrett (1886-87) Papers
BELB - Bessie Belbin (1884-85) letter
BELL - Olive Bell (1926-28) Papers
BESW - Joan Beswick (1931-33) reminiscences
BETTS - Annie Betts (1918-20) Papers
BLIZ - Annie Blizard (1883-84) album
BONS - Hilda Bonsall (1928-30) Study Guild Pendant
BOYL - Eileen Boyles (1930-32) Papers
BRACE - Annie Bracewell (1910-12) photos
BRAD - Margaret Bradfield (1881-2) album
BRIG - Frances Briggs (1874-75) album
BROWJ - Janet Brown (1953-55) poems
BROWN - Dorothy G Browning (1929-31) Papers
BROWNN - Nora Brown (1931-33) memorabilia
BUCK - Sarah Bucktin (1860-61) Papers
BURK - Florence Burke (1924-26) memoir
BURT - Ethel M Burton (1904-6) album
BUTJ - June Butler (1947-48) photos
BUTL - Martha Butler (1870-71) parchment
BUXT - Joan Buxton (1938-40) memorabilia
CADD - Olive Cadd / Winnie Summers (1936-38) memorabilia
CALV - Jane Calverley (1909-11) Papers
CANN - Maud Annie Cannon (1920-22) Teacher's Copy of Service Book
CARP - Doris Marie Carpenter (1920-22)
CARR - Marie Carr (1915-17) reminscences
CATT - Eleanor Kate Cattermole (1893-94) papers
CAVI - Dorothy Cavill (1920-22) letter
CHEE - Betty Cheetham (1948-50) reminiscences
CLARKE - Jessica Clarke (1925-27) photo album pages & 1927 exam papers
CLARV - Annie Clarvis (1917-19) Papers
CLEGG - Emily Clegg (1879-80) memorabilia
COLE - M Coleman album
CONN - Winifred Connard (1917-19) Papers
COPP - Marjorie Coppen (1923-25) Papers
CORY - Annie Elizabeth Cory (1879-80) autograph album
COUPE - Doris Coupe (1922-24) membership card to Guild of St Peter, Whitelands College Branch
COX - Edna Cox (1944-46) Papers
COY - Betty Coy (1930-32) reminiscences
CRIT - Katharine Critten (1902-4) reminiscences
CROS - Elizabeth Crossley (1962-65) reminiscences
CULL - Bessie Culley (1910-12) album
CUTT - Mabel Cutting (1921-23) Papers
DAVI - E A Davies (1854-55) reminiscences
DAWE - Jessie Dawe (1884) album
DEAK - Lucy Deakin (1919-21) reminiscences
DENT - Florence Minnie Dent (1899-1901) Papers
DEWH - L Dewhirst (1929-31) memorabilia
DODS - Dorothy Dodson (1923-25) memorabilia
DOVE - Marjorie Dover (1907-9) Papers
DRU - Edith Drury (1891) prize book
DUNC - Isobel Duncan (1925-27)
ELLI - Sylvia Ellison (1925-27) Papers
ELLW - Winifred Ellwood (1926) 'Hygiene Thesis'
EVAS - Mary Evason (1883-84) memorabilia
EVER - Kathleen Everson (1921-23) memorabilia
FARM - Elizabeth Farmer (1850-52) memoir
FAUN - John Pincher Faunthorpe Collection
1 - Research and publications
2 - Correspondence
1 - Proposal and subsequent correspondence re content of teacher training syllabus and examinations
2 - Correspondence with students
3 - Correspondence with staff
4 - Correspondence about John Ruskin's gifts to Whitelands
5 - Three cards to Faunthorpe from George Thomson, Feb and Mar 1892, regarding the 'cabinet controversy'
6 - Joan Severn correspondence
7 - Letter from Lawrence John Hilliard, on behalf of John Ruskin, to Faunthorpe: ‘I am directed by Mr Ruskin to send you the enclosed three coins – Noble, Half Noble & Quarter Noble….’
8 - Mss list of ‘books sent to Library by Mr Ruskin June 1886’
9 - Faunthorpe notes re the gift status of some of Ruskin’s donations, and press cuttings
10 - Telegram in Latin
11 - Letter from EO Gordon re critique of his book ‘Saint George’
12 - Note 'SG Dec. 24. 81'
13 - Correspondence giving results for teaching
14 - Pupil Teachers and Whitelands College Hostel
15 - Church Training Colleges
16 - Notices re 'Central Classes for Pupil Teachers in Voluntary Schools in West London'
17 - Postcard notification of College fee increase
18 - Council correspondence
19 - National Society
20 - Ruskin's 'Letters to Faunthorpe' edited by Thomas J Wise (1896)
3 - Press cuttings
4 - Photographs
5 - Artefacts
FODEN - Elizabeth Maud Foden (1916-18) Papers
FOGG - Gertrude Fogg (1925-27) annotated postcards
FOOKS - Mary Fooks (1940-42) Papers
FOST - Olive Foster (1925-27) Papers
FOX - Beryl Fox (1947-49) photos
FULL - Audrey E Fuller (?1946-48) Whitelands Trio Song
GEO - Kate George (1898-1900) letter
GIB - Kate Gibson (1895-97) photos
GIBS - Norah Gibson (1949-51) books and memorabilia
GOLD - Lilian Goldring (1905-6) album
GOU - Ethel Agnes Gould (1922-24) postcards
GREE - Agnes Greene (1905-7) photo
GREEN - Esther J Greenstreet (1944-46) reminscences
GURN - Edith Gurney (1911-13) postcard
HABG - Irene Habgood (nee Buttress 1912-14) and Pamela Habgood (1936-38) memorabilia
HAIG - Hilda Kathleen Haig-Brown (1930-32) interview
HAIN - Frances Haines (1870-72) poem
HALL - May Ethel Hall (1908-10) album
HALLS - Sarah Jane Hall (1868-69) parchment
HARF - Marjorie Edith Harfst (1933-35) reminiscences
HARP - (Queen) Nancy Harper (1934-36) photo album
HASK - Peggy Haskell (1949-51) memorabilia
HASS - Elizabeth Hassall (1924-26) and Dora Hassall (1927-29) Papers
HAWK - Mary Allott Hawkins (1923-24) Papers
HAY - Kate Mabel Hayward (1902-4) memorabilia
HEARN - Hilda Mary Hearn (1925-27) album
HEMB - Frances Hember (1944-46) memories of year group
HENS - Constance Henson (1911-13)
HILL - Flora Hill (1905-7) article
HISC - Rosa J Hiscock (1877-78) album
HOBBS - Grace Hobbs (Whitelands College School 1906) presentation book
HOLD - Alice Holdsworth (1917-19) Papers
HOLY - Doris and Florence Holyoak (c. 1929 - 1932) photos
HOPE - Eileen Hope (1928-30) photos
HOUS - Fanny House (1897-89) prize bible
HOWL - Alice Howell (May Queen 1912) May Queen photo album
HOYLE - Edith Hoyle (1917-18) Papers
HULS - Brenda Hulse photos and coursework
HUMP - Mary H Humphries (1879-80) Archbishops' Certificate
HUNT - Irene Hunt (1925-27) memorabilia
JACK - Ena Victoria Jackson (1925-27) album
JACKJ - Joan Jackson (1930-32) photo
JOHN - Ellen A Johnson (1895) greeting card
JORD - Frances Jordan (1895-6) Papers
JUDD - Agnes Lillian Susan Judd (1917-19) photograph album
KEIGH - Ethel Keighley (1915-17) memorabilia
KENN - Elizabeth Kennington (1962-65) reminiscences
KEY - Mary Key (1948-50) reminiscences
KING - Daisy King (1905) annotated copy of Lord Bacon's essays
KINGG - Gilly King Research and Heritage Papers
KNIGHF - Florence Ellen Knight (1912-14) photos
KNIGHT - Lillian Knight (1902-4) Papers
KNOW - Kathleen Knowles (1935-36) Papers
LAMM - Ann Lammas (1936-37)
LAW - Madge Lawrensen (1923-25) testimonial
LAWS - Mary and Marjorie Lawson (?1924-26) photos
LE ROUX - Grace le Petevin dit le Roux (1909-11)
LEES - Florence Olivia Leese (1935-36) year photo
MALL - Caroline Mallet (1875-76) newscutting, letters
MARK - Mary Markwell (?1941-42) memorabilia
MARKL - Edna Alice Markland (1921-23) Papers
MARS - K Marson (1929-31) photos
MART - Ellen Martin (1883-84) reference
MAUR - Eleanor Maurais (1886-87) poems
MELL - Mabel Mellor (1895-96) photos
MELV - Charlotte Melville (?1894) photo
MESS - Lilian Messenger (1904-6) Papers
MILL - K S Miller (1935-37) needlework note book
MILLC - Doreen Millican album
MILLE - Enid Miller (1947-49) album
MILLI - Queenie E Millichamp (1927-29) photos
MISC - Miscellaneous personal records with no known association with Whitelands College
MOORA - Edna (1924-26) and Ada (1926-28) Moore memorabilia
MOORE - Connie Moore (1916-18) diary
MORG - Edith Morgan (1931-33) memorabilia
MORM - Margaret Morgan (1942-44) year photo
MORR - Gladys Neal-Morris (1922-24) album
MOSES - Emily Jane Moses (1860-62) memorabilia
MURD - Kathleen Isabel Freda Murden (1947-49) memorabilia
McCON - Irene McConnell (1937-39) memorabilia
McDD - Dorothy McDonald (1917-19) Papers
McHEN - Grace M McHenry (1938-40) letter
NEHR - Vidya Nehru (1935-36) reference letter
NICH - Edna Nichols (1928-30) photos
NOEL - Nancy Noel (1940-42) photos
ODDY - Alice Oddy (1892-94) album
OGDN - ? Ogden (1933-35) photo album
OLIVE - Edith Oliver (1920-22) album
ORME - Minnie Orme (1924-26) letter to 'godchild'
OVER - Christopher Overton (1966-69) football memorabilia
PALL - Margaret Ida Pallett (1926-28) album
PALM - Winifred Emily Palmer (1924-26) memorabilia
PARK - Lisbeth Parkinson (1921-23) album and reminiscences
PEEL - Brenda Peel (1961-64) coursework
PHIL - Eleanor Phillips (1912) memorabilia
PINN - Annie Pinnock (1883-84) recommendation letter
PITH - Sophie Pither (1871-72) album
POLL - Marie Pollard (1953-55) album
PRIT - Ida Pritchard (1911-13) albums
PULL - Christine Pullar (1881-82) prize book
PYE - Margaret Pye (1938-40) memorabilia
RAIL - Margaret Railton (1918-20) album
RAWN - Canon HD Rawnsley May poem and hymn
RAY - Ros Ray (1933) photo
RED - KM Redmayne (1930-32) photos
RIGG - Ellen Alice Rigg (1923-25) memorabilia
RILEY - Mary Riley (1893-94) concert programme and music
ROB - Lucy Roberts: reminiscences as pupil of Whitelands Training School in 1863-66
ROBN - Nellie Robinson (Whitelands College School 1906) presentation book
ROTH - Amy Rothwell (1913-14) postcards
RUSK - John Ruskin Collection
SALT - Emma Salter (1867-68) photo and plaque
SARG - Annie Sargent (1892-93) books
SAVO - Brenda Savoff (1952-54) Papers
SCAN - Mary Scanlon (1922-24) reminiscences
SEAR - Ellen Sear (1917-19) Papers
SEWL - Constance Packard Sewell (1924-26) photos
SHEA - Dorothy Shea (1949-51) photo album
SHUR - Vivienne Shurrock (1948-50) reminiscences
SKERM - Violet Freda Skerman (1914-16) photos
SLADE - Edna Slade (1932-35) reminiscences and photos
SMITE - Edith Mary Smith (1900-02) memorabilia
SMITI - Iris Smith (1925-27) memorabilia
SMITM - Maud Smith (1930-32) reminiscences
SMITS - Sophy (Sophia) Smith (1876-77) album
SMITV - Violet Emily Smith (1919-21) Papers
SPEN - Mary C Spencer (1927-29) photo album
SPENW - Eleanor Jane Ward Spencer (1882-83) photo and memorabilia
SPICE - Dora M Spicer (1905-7) photos and postcards
SPIL - Evelyn Grace Spillane (1941-43) letter and pendant
STAN - Joan Stanford (1938-39) teaching notes
STARR - Isabel Starr (1906-08) postcards
STEP - Eileen Stephenson (1927-29) reunion photos
STEV - Joan Stevenson (1941-43) photo
SUMM - Winfred Summers (1936-38) mottos of 1938
SUMN - Alice Sumner (1915-17) dormitory plan
TALB - Mary Elizabeth Talbot (1925-27) memorabilia
TAYL - Mabel Taylor (1910-12) poems
TAYLD - DAE (Don) Taylour Collection
TAYLE - Edith Taylor (1895-96) poem and photo
THOM - Moyna Thompson (1948-50) memorabilia
THORN - Sissie (Mary) Thornley (1884-85) album
TREM - Bridget Trembath (-1988-) photo
TRETH - Margery Trethewey (1913-15) senior prize for nature study
TRICK - Margaret Trickett (1956-58) needlework coursework
TURN - Winifred Edith Turner (1931-33) May Day memorabilia
TYRE - Phyllis Tyrer (1942-45) memorabilia
VICK - Frances Vickers (1932-34) reminiscences of time as Whitelands lecturer
VICKA - Alice Vickers (?) photo album and memorabilia
WAKL - Edith Wakley (1915-17) photo
WALL - Caroline E Wall (1900-1902) album
WALT - Elsie Emily Walton (1913-15) teaching certificate and testimonial
WAR - Ada Louise Ward (1891-92) Papers
WARD - Nita Ward (1945-47) reminiscences and postcards
WARR - Beryl Mary Warren (1946-48)
WATK - Amy Watkinson (1942-44) Papers
WATS - Ann Watson (1929-31) album
WATTS - Marian Watts (1943-45) teaching practice report book
WEBB - Joyce Petchey Webb (1942) Papers
WELSH - Lucie Welsh (1893) letter
WILK - Ellen Wilkinson (1870-71) Papers
WILS - Phyllis Wilson (1909-11) album signature page
WITT - Elizabeth Witteridge (1875-76) album
WOLS - Janet Wolstencroft (1918-20) Papers
WOOD - Brenda Wood (1935-37) Papers
WOODS - Sylvia Wood (1956-58) letter
WOOW - Sylvia Woodward (1962-65) reminiscences
WORS - Margaret Worsford (1957-59) 'Child Study of Mary Guymer'
YATES - Doris Yates (1940-42) reminscences
YOUNA - Ann Young (1953-55) cohort memorabilia
YOUNG - Margaret Young (1950-52) photos
YOUNJ - Joyce Young (1940-42) reminiscences
SC - Special Collections
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